Guest post with Val Arnold

 Today I have the privilege to introduce you all to Val Arnold the creator of My Best Friends Forks She has agreed to guest post today! I know Val personally and when I say it is an honor and a privilege, well you all know I mean it! Here you go!

My dogs are the only kids that I have, and I treat them like babies .  Which includes, feeding them off forks from time to time.  When I give them their vitamins or medicine it has to be in food.  If I put pills in food on a plate, they will pick them out and toss them on the floor. When I’m done with my plate, they know that they get the last bite.  Anything from my fork is going to be good so they just take whatever it is without any hesitation.  I have been doing this for over 13 years with all of my dogs.  

It was an incident this past June that could have been a disaster for both Griz and myself. My fingers were a little greasy from the chicken that I pulled apart for them, and well…Griz almost inhaled the fork. It was a last second miracle that I managed to grab the fork and gain control of it before it was too late. As my heart was beating out of my chest, I went online to try to find a safety fork of some kind, something for dogs and there was nothing for them.  I did however come across some x rays  of forks in dogs stomachs!! 

I was sick from seeing them, and then knowing that other people fed their babies from forks too!?? That was it, I decided to take action myself. I jumped up, made a fork in my kitchen that dogs couldn’t take from your hands. Its rounded in the front, and the 2 middle tines are shortened for the comfort of a dogs mouth. 

I am now the inventor of My BFF ( My Best Friends Fork). It’s Veterinarian recommended and approved.  My vet said that this happens a lot more than he cares to talk about, and that it is a brilliant invention.  It is also being featured on True Tv in May “World’s Smartest Inventions”.  If you know of anyone that feeds their dogs from a regular fork, please stop them!! You can watch the video and order the world’s first safety feeding utensil for dogs at 

Thank you!

Val Arnold

The Snow Will Fall

I lean into my window to find the snow falling down gracefully. Sipping my coffee I smile knowing today I will write. My adorable child slams into my leg and hugs me, smiling up at me before running off to play with his toys. It’s moments like these, days like this that I will cherish for the rest of my life. A snowy Sunday afternoon chasing around my toddler, falling to the ground while both of us laugh as hard as we can. Cuddled up watching all the Ice Age films and when he falls asleep I will trade his films for my music. Sit at my computer and write. Alice and Cole have so much more to say and I am their vehicle.

I heart Sunday’s.


Book Launch Party!

I am so super crazy excited to share with you the information to my book launch party!

It is in Michigan so if you are local please come out and say hi! All the info is on the flyer below! See I am excited!!!! Look at all the !!!!! marks 😛

Versatile Blogger Award!

Today I woke up to a wonderful surprise, Keren from Gothic Angel Book Reviews chose me for the Versatile Blogger Award!
This is my first blogger award! *Jumps up and down* Okay so maybe I’m a little excited!
Here are the rules that go along with this award:
1.      1. In a post on your blog nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award (15 isn’t mandatory, but it’s a nice gesture. Try and pick at least 5)
2.      2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award
3.      3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4.      4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
5.      5. In the same post, include this set of rules.

6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

7 Random things about me….

1. I love shoes, its seriously a problem. These are my favorite three pairs and yes I know crazy spectrum.

2. It’s likely I love coffee even more than shoes.

3. When I was little I wanted to be a singer when I grew up.

4. When cast in films, I almost always get cast as the “bitch” or “goth” based entirely on my look.

5. I produce my best works when heartbroken.

6. I will always put myself between my family; blood or otherwise and danger to protect the ones I love.

7. I see the best in others and the worst in myself. Hell I am an Aries!

Enough about me! Time for my blog award recipients:

1. Compositions  Danielle’s writing is honest, grabs a hold of your soul kind of talent. <3 her.
2. This Authors Life Jessi is such a talented writer and I cherish her dearly
3. A Diary of a Book Addict Tee’s love and passion for books leaks from her in her reviews. I <3 that about her!
4. The Penis Chronicles Because Dani and Megs say shit we wish we could. 😉
5. A Midnight Summers Read Amazing honest reviews. Jessica rocks.

Make sure to check all these blogs out!!



Poems from the Past

It has been entirely too long since I have written! I am preparing for my book launch next month Feb 19th at Dino’s Lounge in Ferndale, Michigan. Also I am working on my guest posts for the Virtual Book Tour. There are so many amazing things coming up that I will share with all of you once I have more detail. For now I thought I would share some of my early work. When asked how long I have been writing, the answer was simple I never remember not writing. Here are two short poems from back in day.

In the nights last breathe
you may sit alone and cry
nothing left but hopeless dreams
that you are to imperfect for
no one cares to hear your voice
to see your sweet lipped words
but even in your loneliness
your light shines somewhere in this world.

Wondering questions
that circle in my head
are they really questions?
were they really said?
too flustered
to consumed
by every rambling thought
to give a damn
about these questions in my heart.


Friday the 13th

I love Friday the 13th. I am guaranteed not to have a crappy day if it is Friday the 13th. The world is full of horror stories and panic that something bad is on its way it leaves me alone to kick my feet up and relax knowing everyone is too freaked out to mess with my day.

Shockingly it has been a great day.  I aimlessly went through my daily routine and even with the evil snow fluttering about I made it to all my destinations and home unscathed. I shipped out the contest winners copies of my book along with a couple of choice blog reviewers copies and a few to those I hold dear to me even through the distance that divides us.

Back home, FINALLY, I plan to spend the evening with my son until he tuckers out. That is when the hard decisions must be made; do I watch a horror film or work on book 2?

XO and Happy Friday the 13th!


What an amazing event 🙂 Seriously? The amount of people showing interest and support for Finding Alice is exceptional, heartwarming and humbling. Thank you all. The winners of the contest are, Tia A., Oky S., Jennifer K., and Todd M. Congrats! Once I receive addresses I will send out your ARC’s of Finding Alice.

To continue with all that is good and awesomeness, I woke to find my favorite photographer Russ Turner had been playing with images from the photo shoot for my Alice Clark Series. So I thought I would share 🙂

Come on, really? I mean how badass is Alice?

So happy Tuesday!


Why is it not Friday?

This has been a crazy week for me and yes I know it’s not even over yet.  I had it in my head that today was Friday for most of the day. Yeah… I know, right?

All I’ve wanted to do for days was work on book 2. Sadly I have not been able to but I do see light at the end of the tunnel. I approved the final proof, *crosses fingers* one step closer to publishing! All formats are done; the paperback, kindle, nook and smashwords. I’ve been trying to stay updated on all the social networks also and the interest from book reviewing bloggers, readers and authors alike is absolutely amazing to me. This community of readers and writers is like nothing I have ever seen before. I checked the status on the giveaway for a signed copy of Finding Alice on is climbing huge in numbers. The book trailer on youtube is getting crazy amounts of views too! You guys rock!! I am so excited for you all to read Alice’s story. The second one, *shivers* oh just wait.

It’s so crazy to me that just a week or so ago I was saying, “February 19th is not that far away, relax people!” Now I’m the one, “It’s only the 5th….of January! Come on!”

Some more super exciting news, it looks like February 16th I’ll be doing a live interview that you can all watch via the wonderful web 🙂 As soon as I have more information I will post it for you all! I am off to watch The Vampire Diaries and then I will finish reading The Reckoning by Michelle Leighton.


Deceived by Stephanie Nelson

Deceived is finally here! 
First let me say I absolutely was in LOVE with Craved (the first book in the Gwen Sparks Series.) Now last night I excitedly logged on to amazon to download my kindle copy, I started reading and was so engulfed in the story right off the bat (and not surprised after book 1.) Alas, I was rudely interrupted by my 14 month old. Sadface. But tonight, I will read this book and I know I wont put it down. Stephanie has a way with her writing that just grabs a hold of you. You’ll find yourself pacing your house, going about daily chores with her book in gripped tightly in your hand, refusing to take your eyes off of it for one second.
I am a cover shopper all the way. 

My gift to my readers: the blurb for Deceived:

Gwen’s life has been a downward spiral since she discovered vampires crave witches blood. She’s summoned to Moon, the town of witches, where she learns that a war is brewing and she’s the secret weapon. Paired with the Angel of Death, it becomes quickly evident that she’s more powerful than she ever realized. But this reaper isn’t the robe wearing, scythe carrying kind – he’s a ruggedly handsome handful that has his eye on Gwen. As if that isn’t enough, she’s still tormented by Ian Desperaux’s constant intrusion into her thoughts and dreams. As Gwen struggles to balance her responsibility to the witches’ council and her secret relationship with her vampire boyfriend, Aiden, she’ll soon discover exactly what it means to be Deceived.
 Excited?!? I know you are, even better I have an excerpt! Enjoy!
 I quietly grumbled. I knew he was right, I should learn who I really was. A small part of me was afraid to though. Reading the memories of the dead was creepy enough, but at least I was helping people when I did it. Dorian wanting me to connect with the darkness just to learn it scared me. Kye’s insane sister flashed in my mind and gave me enough reason to want to study to be a spirit walker. I didn’t know why she had gone insane, but I didn’t want to end up like her. “Alright, teach me, old wise one.” My sarcasm tended to show itself when I was scared or pissed, at the moment I was a little bit of both.
“Close your eyes.” Dorian instructed, ignoring my cynicism. My eyes snapped shut, and I waited for him to tell me what to do next. I heard the squeak of vinyl, and his body press along the side of me. Dorian slipped his hand underneath mine and made me to jump.  “Keep your eyes closed.” I did as told, but my heart beat faster at our closeness. It seemed too intimate for a lesson.
Want to purchase Deceived? Well here are the links

You didn’t read Craved? Say what? Well here are the links for it too!
You can stalk Stephanie (she totally loves it!) on Facebook, and have access to updates on her upcoming books!

Good morning!

     I groggily stumble toward my coffee maker, my child pulling on my PJ pants. “mmm, coffee…” is all I can manage to mumble.
     “Ba ba ba,” my son yells at me.
     I look down at his brilliant blue eyes and smile. “You are lucky you are cute,” I joke. He flashes that adorable grin and I make his bottle. I turn on one of his movies or his favorite TV show Dinosaur Train and head back to my beloved coffee. I fill it will hazelnut creamer and breathe it in, “Ahhh.” I walk over to the computer and pull up my email, and start checking all of the wonderful pages I am connected to. What do I find? My book on a book review site.  Check it out for yourself.

Until we meet again, xo


Happy New Year!! Wow that year went by fast. But good riddance! 2012 is going to be a crazy year, filled with crazy excitement and lots and lots of coffee. My 14 month old son woke up at 11:50PM last night and refused to go back to bed. He was apparently very excited about the new year as well!

Before I dive into my series, I did want to note that I am currently accepting books for beta testing. If you are interested in having me beta test your book, I prefer the paranormal/fantasy genre; in young adult, young adult crossover, fiction, horror or romance.  You can submit an excerpt of your book or blurb to . If you are not sure if your book falls under those categories or you swear I will love your book, you can submit your blurb and genre information. I will return all emails within 3-5 days to let you know whether or not I will be beta testing your book. Please note, I provide constructive feedback regardless to what stage in book you are in (first draft, rewrite, revision 5, etc) I know you put your blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul in to your book. So please give me the time I need to read it so I can give you constructive feedback you deserve. After all I want to love your book! I am currently beta testing for no charge, books chosen at my discretion alone. Blog reviews, goodreads reviews prices tbd.

And back to ALICE!!!!

In 8 days the contest to win a copy of Finding Alice ends, I will announce the winners (that are chosen at random and not by me) within 48 hours at the end of the contest. For those who do not win, don’t be sad! February 19th will be here in no time and you will be able to get your ebook or paperback copy. I will have all the links available on the release date on my webpage and on here. 

When book 1 becomes available if you have questions, comments, please post! I’d love to hear your thoughts. I will continue to write Alice’s story and keep you all in the loop on where I am with book 2 and when it will be released.

To start the new year off with a bang, here is my book trailer for Finding Alice, I hope you enjoy
